The Great Release

I did a whole video on this word that goes deeper into what revelation God gave me. The video is below, feel free to check it out!

It is time! It is time for the Great Release! The great release of my heavenly plans, divine solutions and prophetic insight. Surely the time is now when I can release my plans, my thoughts, and my ideas from the storeroom of Heaven. All that has been stored up for a time as now. I have perfectly custom-made thoughts and ideas for the making of your life. I have beautifully crafted plans and solutions to aide in your suffering and confusion. I have meticulously designed seeds of action and truth to be released in this day and age that when stewarded by my faithful children will grow into masterpieces no one else has ever come upon. These ideas and desires you are having hit you out of the blue are designed in my throne room and are just for you. They are fingerprint enabled. No one else will be able to open them except you. They are locked upon arrival for their safety, and you are to be the ones to open them up. I have placed them within your spirit for a time such as this. Don’t push them away and don’t think it strange. Give it a chance to bloom and see the fruit that can come from them. I am releasing my thoughts, plans and desires into the carefully chosen hands of my creatives.

The time is now. Do not sit back on your calling. Do not waste your purpose. The world needs what you have been given far greater than you can imagine.

It is time to begin cultivating the god given dream and desires of your hearts! Go forth with courage and bravery as you blaze this new trail, always knowing and believing that God has already gone ahead of you!


With love,


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Word from God: Exodus


Taking Flight