
Personal word that I received from God that I pray speaks to you on a personal level as well.

When you choose to focus on you then I can use you without you consulting anyone else because you’ve removed yourself from the bondage of needing anyone else’s approval except mine. So, I can use you on a higher level when you’re living your life just for you. You choosing you means I can use you without limits. So yes, this is still your year of choosing you, but it is also your year of experiencing new freedom in being you, that allows me to use you at new levels for my kingdom as well. I needed you to break away from the control of everyone else both in the church and your family so that you were a clean slate for me to use. Now I can use you freely without bondage and without control from anyone else. You choosing you means you also chose me, because I have already chosen you!

The transformation process is complete, and you are beginning the great emergence. The extraction of the old and the mending of the new. As you emerge there will be expansion. Expansion of you. Don’t hold tightly onto anything during this expansion process because you will see how quickly you outgrow everything your hand touches. Be willing to move in and out of different things and take up and start new things at the blink of an eye. Don’t question what I have for you, you will know. The real true you will know. The essence of me within you will begin to emerge as well. There will be a sort of blending that takes place as I expand you to match me. Don’t be afraid to try new things and take chances that’s how you grow and continue to expand. The great expansion of you as you emerge! Watch out world because here she comes!

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The Unbecoming


Chipping away at the crap of your past