Hold on loosely

Here is a word for my horse people!

It all started when I asked God this question…How do you feel comfortable with the uncomfortable? This was his response… “You don’t, that’s how you embark on change. When you embrace the uncomfortable then you embrace change. Change is inevitable. The only thing consistent is change. You could say the only thing consistent in growth is the feeling of being uncomfortable. When you’re uncomfortable you’re easier to mold into the next season. When you stay safe and comfortable you are hard, like concrete, you don’t move, you don’t give, you don’t change. There are things in our life that we should be concrete in, there should be absolutely no movement in, like our core beliefs… but there are other areas where we should be flexible and easy to maneuver or mold. Think about holding loosely onto the reins when you’re riding. There are times when you’re riding, when you hold on tighter and do more of the controlling or leading and there are other times when you release the reins down and let them be relaxed and you allow more flexibility in your ride. Just look at change like that. Look at the inevitability of change as loosening the reins on your walk of life. You can enjoy your ride more and have a better view because you aren’t so fixated on certain things coming to pass or so worried about certain things passing you by because you’re just loosely walking along. You still have enough control to take charge if needed but isn’t the best part going on a relaxing trail ride with little control so that you can embrace the fullness of the ride. Life is a ride. You get to choose how loose the reins are and how you embrace the nature of the ride. You can trust me with your life just like you can trust your horse on your ride. Isn’t it all about trust with your horse? It’s the same with me.” I hope this brings some encouragement to you today that change is okay when you have God on your side, and don’t forget to enjoy the ride!

With love


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