Little cup- Bigger Blessing

I received this word from God and I felt led to share with you. I pray that it meets you right where you are and encourages your heart!

Little cup, bigger blessing. Big blessing overtaking little cup. Your cup will run over with the blessings from Heaven. Blessing with your name on it. Turn. You’ve turned the page. New beginnings. It’s your turn. You’re next. Front. Front stage. Front and center. Will bless you in front of your enemies. Moved to the front. The last will become first. You’re next in line for your big blessing. Life altering, life changing, life giving, custom fit blessing just for you. Be ready my darling for it is certainly coming your way. You have cleared the way and are open to receiving from me now that you have cleared room, cleared out the old and made room for the new I want to bless you abundantly, more than you know or could fathom, you won’t be able to stay in the same spot/ space because your blessing will flow over, and you will need a bigger bowl. Your blessing is far bigger than just you, more than just one can handle, it was created and meant for the masses. Don’t keep it to yourself. Don’t hold on to tightly. I will show you how to handle it and where to go with it and how to use it. I trust it in your hands only though. Do not give your power away this is for you. You are called to steward this because you are tried and true. You are equipped to carry this when others have fallen short. Your hands are meant to create this, your body is equipped and strong enough to carry this and your mind is trained and disciplined enough to take action with this. I have trained and equipped you personally for this assignment that comes with this blessing, but you aren’t expected to do it on your own or handle it in your own or carry it by yourself. You may have the blueprints inside of you, but you will need a team surrounding you to help you bring the whole thing to fruition. You are my called and chosen one and you are fully equipped. I will bring you your team in due time. They will come when you need them most.

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Wave of change