Walk by faith

I went for a walk run up the hill today and I feel like God is trying to talk to me through it but I needed to stop moving and write it down for it to come to me, so here I am. This is what the Lord spoke to me.

There is a new level of influence right in front of you. I have you going backwards up the hill because that’s how I will protect you until the time comes when at the last moment I have you flip around, and you turn right into your blessing. Sometimes you won’t move forward if you know what is up ahead, so I am keeping it hidden until the time is right. But like with your horses if they don’t want to go by something forward then you can back them up past it instead because if the only direction, they will move their feet is backward then you take it as a win and move with the direction they are moving. You can still accomplish the task at hand even if you come at it from a different direction. Sometimes that’s what you need is a different direction. You see things from a different angle, and it might give you a better viewpoint. Maybe, right now that’s where I have you. I am moving with you in the direction you want to move, and you are gaining many different perspectives and seeing things from a ton of different angles before you take a step forward. We can face those things head on when you’re ready. If all you’re ready for right now is moving backward but you’re still willing to climb the hill, then I’ll take it. We can accomplish everything I have wanted to while climbing the hill backwards, knowing that as you climb the hill your back will be taking the brunt of it. Your back will face those things head on not your face and to you that is more appealing right now, it feels safer. With your back turned you don’t see all the stuff that is being shoved and thrown out of your way as you come through, so you have less of a chance of running away or backing out and it also allows for me to keep it a surprise or a secret because I will have you turn around at the exact moment you will need to and you will be met with your blessing. Maybe me leading you up the hill backwards has more to do with trust and how much you trust me, to see how close I can get you before you turn around. You feel like you’re walking blindly and don’t know where you’re going or what you’re doing but you are walking by faith not by sight and there is a difference. Walking by faith can get you somewhere much quicker than by sight. Walking by faith can take you even farther than just by sight. I feel like it is kind of like the Harry Potter scene when they run into the wall but then they go through it. You may not move forward if you see what is up ahead because it looks like a dead end or a wall. So, if I have you turn around and slowly walk backwards towards it, then you’ll be there before you even know it. You’ll also have gone even farther than you would have gone by sight because as you walked backwards, you were creating your own trail and your own path where there was none, and if you could have seen it you would have stopped along time ago. I love you more than life itself and I promise you that I won’t let you down. You can trust me to take care of you in this season of blind faith.

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Shell of safety