Healing journey
Your healing is not dependent on you doing anything, because our God is so much bigger than that. He isn’t dangling that healing in front of you, just out of your reach.
When there are no words
For when there are no words left to say, let me show you my own way!
Setting captives free
Now, imagine the kind of faith God has in you and the adventures He has waiting for you just on the other side of fear!
Little cup- Bigger Blessing
Your cup will run over with the blessings from Heaven. Blessings with your name on it.
God is in the business of showing up and showing off and He has such miraculous and breath-taking adventures waiting for you if you’re willing to let Him in.
Dream from God- Whiplash
When you think about the countless decisions you make in just one day think about the infinite opportunities that could give God to not only move in your own life, but someone else’s!
Ripping pride out by the roots
I know one thing is for sure, I don’t want to miss out on what God has for me because I am too prideful.
Boundaries with horses
We do not have to hold on to things just because it is something we have always done, or something that everyone else around us always does.
Dog the bounty hunter
We are all people and we all want that deep sense of love and acceptance and I hope and pray that this helps point people back to God and his unending love and mercy for every single person he has created!
Word from God- Promises
I believe this also pertains to birthing your promises from God, any promise from Him that you have been waiting for and believing for.
Standing at the gate
Sometimes, all we need to do is push open the gate into freedom and see what God has planned!
God’s stoplight
Remember, we can all rest in His promises and let’s take this time to continue to seek Him!
Dragging the devil
God is always with you, always for you, always behind you, and will always protect you!
Tipping out the snow
When the load gets too heavy to carry by yourself and you feel like you’re stuck and strained and weighed down with something, remember whose burden is light.
Brushing out our mess
Let’s invite Him in today and see what He can do by brushing out our mess.
Let God drive
I found myself repeating to her over and over trust me it will be alright, it’s going to be okay, you’re going to see when we get there it was all for your good.